Zurück zu den Wurzeln

STAEDTLER hat vier Blei­stifte von PEFC-​zertifizierter Kolorado-​Tanne auf FSC-​zertifizierte Linde umgestellt.

Zurück zu den Wurzeln

STAEDTLER tra­di­tion 110 aus Kolorado-​Tanne (oben) und Linde (unten)

Neben dem tra­di­tion 110 (im Bild)1 betrifft dies den tra­di­tion 112 und den Noris 122 (beide mit Radier­tip) sowie den unla­ckier­ten 123 60.

Im 17. Jahr­hun­dert, als sich in Nürn­berg das Blei­stift­ma­cher­ge­werbe ent­wi­ckelte, war die hei­mi­sche Linde (Tilia) die wich­tigste Holz­art für Blei­stifte. Durch den spä­te­ren Erfolg der Zeder2 und ihren höhe­ren Preis wurde die Linde bevor­zugt für güns­tige Stifte wie z. B. Zim­mer­manns­blei­stifte genutzt (auch STAEDTLER bewarb sie vor gut 100 Jah­ren ent­spre­chend). Doch der regio­nale Bezug, die lange Geschichte und vor allem höhere Umwelt­stan­dards machen die Linde inzwi­schen auch für andere Blei­stifte attrak­tiv; von Vor­teil ist zudem, dass die Linde im Gegen­satz zur Zeder in Europa wächst und ohne Imprä­gnie­rung3 ver­wen­det wer­den kann.

2015 hat STAEDTLER mit den Baye­ri­schen Staats­fors­ten und dem PEFC Deutsch­land im Rah­men des Pro­jekts „Von der Linde zum Blei­stift“ für das zehn­jäh­rige Jubi­läum der Baye­ri­schen Staats­fors­ten einen Wer­be­blei­stift aus hei­mi­scher Linde gefer­tigt. Im sel­ben Jahr folgte der STAEDTLER White aus Linde, der jedoch nur in Japan ange­bo­ten wird, und durch diese Umstel­lung kommt die Linde jetzt erneut als Holz hoch­wer­ti­ger Blei­stifte auf den Markt.

  1. Damit kann man der Geschichte des Blei­stifts „tra­di­tion“ ein wei­te­res Kapi­tel hin­zu­fü­gen.
  2. Zunächst war es die Vir­gi­ni­sche Zeder (Juni­pe­rus vir­gi­niana), dann die Kali­for­ni­sche Weihrauch-​Zeder (Calo­cedrus decur­rens); siehe auch „Blei­stift­höl­zer (2)“.
  3. 2016 ist STAEDTLER bei den ergosoft-​Stiften (Mars, Noris und einige Farb­stifte) von imprä­gnier­ter Linde aus Ost­asien auf unbe­han­delte Linde aus Europa umge­stie­gen.

9 Kommentare zu „Zurück zu den Wurzeln“

  1. The story on pen­cils is a great one. Thank you for high­light­ing this new chap­ter. Our man in Ger­many that noti­ces such chan­ges ear­liest. Lin­den wood is spe­cial. Grown locally and sus­tain­ably, it sure has some out­stan­ding benefits.

  2. Thank you for report­ing on this inte­res­t­ing news!

    Bet­ween the switch to „Upcy­cled Wood“ in some pen­cils and lin­den wood in others, there seems to be some­thing going on at Moosäckerstraße.

  3. Wow­ter: I’m happy to hear that you like that new chap­ter too! – I don’t know exactly where the lin­den wood comes from but I think it comes from Europe.

    Ste­phen: You’re right – there really seems to be some­thing hap­pe­ning. And I won­der what will come next!

  4. Stationery Traffic

    I have seen some of the new stock lin­den Tra­di­ti­ons on sale in my local WH Smith, so they are get­ting out there. Howe­ver I purcha­sed two blister-​packs of the older, dar­ker wood ver­sion. Thanks for the update!

  5. I bought 100 Tra­di­ti­ons on eBay that were the new, linden-​wood edi­tion. They seem to be get­ting out into the sup­ply chain quite quickly. One thing I’ve noti­ced about these, and also noti­ced about the Noris school pen­cils which used the same wood, is that the two hal­ves appear to ‘split’ near the shar­pe­ned end. I’m not sure if it’s an actual split, or per­haps just the lead show­ing through the pale wood more. It doesn’t have any effect on the func­tion of them, just looks a little odd.

    I still pre­fer the older, cedar Tra­di­ti­ons, and spent far lon­ger than nee­ded loo­king to stop up. Even­tually I did find a sel­ler on eBay that sold them by the gross at £29.99 plus post­age. I gave in and bought far more than I needed.

    The rate at which these new Tra­di­ti­ons, and Upcy­cled Wood Nori­ses, repla­ced the older ones was quite incre­di­ble. It shows how quickly these must sell that tur­no­ver is so fast. Now, the only woo­den Nori­ses I see in shops are the eraser-​tipped ones, and my last few online purcha­ses also arri­ved as Upcy­cled Wood rather than wooden.

  6. Koralatov, thank you for these details and for sha­ring your obser­va­tions. I have only used two new STAEDTLER pen­cils made from lin­den wood so far but haven’t seen some­thing like a split near the point. Of course it’s visi­ble where the two hal­ves meet but I haven’t noti­ced some­thing unusual.

    You have found old tra­di­tion pen­cils made from cedar? That’s envia­ble! STAEDTLER swit­ched from cedar to white fir in 2012 so these cedar tra­di­ti­ons are quite rare.

    I was also sur­pri­sed how quickly the old Noris pen­cils were gone – yes, the tur­no­ver must be substantial.

  7. This is the split I’ve noti­ced – so far, in all of the dozen or so lin­den Staedtler’s that I’ve used. It doesn’t seem to have any effect on the pen­cil and doesn’t ‘spread’ – just stays con­stant as you shar­pen it down. I won­der if per­haps the lin­den doesn’t adhere to its­elf as well with the glue as the pre­vious wood did?

    The sel­ler I got them from told me they were cedar, and they loo­ked cedar to me. The card­board boxes they came in weren’t anci­ent but were defi­ni­tely old. I left the boxes at work so can’t check right now, but will dig them out and share a photo. The sel­ler still has a few boxes left if you’d like the link?

  8. Koralatov, thank you for the photo. The split looks odd, and I don’t think it has to be that way – for me it is sim­ply too wide. Actually you should only see a thin line but no gap. The glue is adapted to the mate­ri­als to be bonded, and so lin­den wood should bond just as well as white fir and cedar. Has the split been there from the begin­ning or did it occur after shar­pe­ning? It looks like it gets a little wider towards the tip; per­haps the ten­sion cau­sed by shar­pe­ning has sepa­ra­ted the hal­ves. (but that shouldn’t really hap­pen eit­her). Have you cont­ac­ted STAEDTLER?

    Yes, I would be very happy to get the link! I would really like to have a dozen of tra­di­tion pen­cils made from cedar. I only have a few, and some of them are dama­ged or used.

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