Einfach klasse: Ein Werbe-Comic von STAEDTLER UK aus der zweiten Hälfte der 70er Jahre (leider kenne ich die Quelle nicht). – Die zu dieser Niederlassung gehörende Produktionstätte in Portyclun, Wales, existierte von 1966 bis 2008.
Den „superb 3-D Captain Staedtler badge, complete with fixing pin“ würde ich natürlich sofort nehmen, auch für das Zehnfache des damaligen Preises.
Wer sorgt für „The Return of CAPTAIN STAEDTLER“? – Danke an deh für den Hinweis auf diesen Comic!
Wenn das mal kein Fake ist! Die dynamisch-zackige Handschrift in den Sprechblasen ähnelt doch sehr der Lexikalikerschen… ;-)
Love it! I’d like a Captain Staedtler badge for Christmas, please. :)
zonebattler: Ich wollte, ich könnte so etwas „faken“, doch leider fehlen mir die dafür notwendigen Fähigkeiten komplett; außerdem habe ich eine etwas andere Handschrift:
Nur zu gern würde ich Derartiges zustande bringen können, doch für mehr als ein paar Kaspereien, die mir STAEDTLER nachsehen möge, reicht es leider nicht.
Palimpsest: I wish I had a few – I’d happily share them! I don’t even have a single one so I have to put it on my Christmas list as well ;-)
Many thanks for this – I have vague memories of seeing this back in the 1970s. I think your date is spot-on; this looks like a half-page advert in a copy of 2000AD, or perhaps one of the other IPC comics of the day such as Starlord or Tornado. I still have some old copies of 2000AD in a box somewhere and I’ll have to take a look sometime to see if I can find it.
Starlord is probably the most likely source – it had better quality paper and full colour on more pages than 2000AD which back then was printed on very pulpy newsprint. It was published during 1978 to cash in on the Star Wars phenomenon.
Great! I am no comics expert so I haven’t heard of these publications before; I would be very happy if you have some more details if you find an old magazin with that ad. – I wonder if there were more ads of that kind.
Well, I looked through all my old copies of 2000AD and found nothing like this in there. Unfortunately I no longer have any copies of Starlord :-(
However a quick search online brought this up: this appears to have been a half page advertisement in 2000AD for at least three weeks in the late summer of 1978. Prog 80, dated 2 September 1978, and Progs 79 and 78 (dated 26 August 1978 and 19 August 1978 respectively) contained this very advertisement. This website has more:
So that just leaves me only one thing to say: FIRE ORANGE!
Thank you for searching your old copies and the interesting details of the old 2000AD issues – this narrows it down to August/September 1978.