
Heute nur ein Foto, und zwar vom Schrift­zug „Gold­fa­ber“ auf zwei Farbstiften.


Farb­stifte Gold­fa­ber 4101 (ver­mutl. 1970er Jahre) und Gold­fa­ber Aqua (2020)

Die Marke „Gold­fa­ber“ wurde am 11. Juni 1935 ein­ge­tra­gen und mei­nes Wis­sens haupt­säch­lich für Blei- und Farb­stifte des mitt­le­ren Preis­seg­ments genutzt. Den Schrift­zug fand ich schon frü­her anspre­chend, und mich freut, dass man ihn bereits vor eini­gen Jah­ren auf­ge­frischt, aber den etwas ver­spiel­ten Cha­rak­ter bei­be­hal­ten hat. Eine wohl­tu­ende Abwechs­lung zu den oft anzu­tref­fen­den Standard-Fonts!

4 Kommentare zu „Goldfaber“

  1. I’ve always loved the way Faber Cas­tell, or A.W. Faber pre­vious to that, has always com­mit­ted them­sel­ves to pre­serve their bran­ding and uni­que style. From the green color pre­va­lent in many of their offe­rings, to the typo­gra­phy, their pro­duct lines, and pack­a­ging. In my hum­ble opi­nion, they do a bet­ter job than does Staedt­ler in this sense.

    Locally the Gold­fa­ber brand seems to have been impor­ted since at least the 1950’s or 60’s, but more importantly, it now equ­als the first step in the German-​made Faber pro­duct line. The entry-​level to many aspi­ring artists that can’t yet afford the Poly­chro­mos, the Faber 9000 sets or the Albrecht Durer pen­cils, but that won’t settle for Faber’s Brazilian-​made offerings.

  2. They cer­tainly have their own uni­que style but as far as the green colour is conn­cer­ned there have been quite a few chan­ges. Just compare an old 9000 with a new one and you’ll notice the big dif­fe­rence in hue.

    It’s great to hear that the Gold­fa­ber brand has its fans on your side of the pond!

  3. Yeah, I know there has been a lot of „tint“ varia­ti­ons to the Faber green color. But at least, they have kept the hue over all these years.

    Faber has quite a loyal fol­lo­wing locally. And con­side­ring recent fin­dings in flea mar­kets, am incli­ned to think, it was more widely available than Staedtler.

  4. You’re right – they have remained true to this colour. Howe­ver, STAEDTLER did that too, and their “Mars blue” has chan­ged only very little.

    As far as I know Faber-​Castell has been active in South Ame­rica quite early while the STAEDTLER branch in the US was not ope­ned until the early 1920’s; this could be the reason.

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