SEED Clear Radar

Ein ech­ter Hin-, nein: Durch­gu­cker ist der trans­pa­rente Radie­rer Clear Radar von SEED aus Japan.

SEED Clear Radar

Der in zwei Grö­ßen erhält­li­che Clear Radar kam bereits Anfang Sep­tem­ber letz­ten Jah­res auf den Markt und war gleich so begehrt, dass er lange aus­ver­kauft war und es in eini­gen Geschäf­ten sogar War­te­lis­ten gab. – Wenn ich rich­tig infor­miert bin, ist er nicht der erste durch­sich­tige Radie­rer. Auch von SEED gab es schon vor vie­len Jah­ren einen, doch der war här­ter und hat schlecht radiert.

SEED Clear Radar

Nach dem Ent­fer­nen der Schutz­fo­lie fällt auf, dass der Radie­rer mit einem Pul­ver über­zo­gen ist. Es soll ver­hin­dern, dass die Blö­cke in der Fer­ti­gung anein­an­der kle­ben, lässt sich aber abwa­schen. Die Trans­pa­renz ist ver­blüf­fend, und die sehr glatte Ober­flä­che1 sowie die halb­durch­sich­tige Man­schette aus Kunst­stoff unter­strei­chen­den den unge­wöhn­li­chen Effekt.

Beein­druckt die Radier­leis­tung des SEED Clear Radar ebenso wie sein Aus­se­hen? Das wird sich diese Woche im täg­li­chen Gebrauch zeigen.

Danke an Sola von pen­cils and other things für den SEED Clear Radar!

  1. Ledig­lich an den schma­len Längs­sei­ten kann man leichte Spu­ren erken­nen (sie stam­men ver­mut­lich von einem Schneid­werk­zeug).

11 Kommentare zu „SEED Clear Radar“

  1. Inter­es­sante Idee, ein Werk­zeug zu kre­ieren, des­sen Auf­gabe es ist, einem Objekt eine Eigen­schaft zu ver­lei­hen, die es selbst hat:
    Nicht sicht­bar zu sein.

  2. I’m deligh­ted to see that you get to try the Clear Radar! Such a fancy eraser ;)
    (don’t mind me, I’m just jea­lous cause I’m appar­ently still on the wai­ting list^^)
    I also hope its era­sing qua­li­ties are at least as good as its appearance.

  3. der­Chris­toph: Das ist eine reiz­volle Sichtweise!

    Matt: Yes, it’s indeed fancy :-) I hope you will get your Clear Era­ser soon! By the way, I was told it it was even fea­tured on Japa­nese TV. – I will soon update my post with details about the use of that eraser!

  4. Wow, it looks beautiful!

    Does it gets dirty with gra­phite? How does it compare to other erasers?

    Won­der if peo­ple will use or rather see this era­ser ren­de­ring their pro­duc­ti­vity to oblivion…

  5. Yes, it looks really beau­tiful, espe­ci­ally when it is still new and unu­sed! Of course it gets dirty with gra­phite. Bes­i­des that, the sur­face beco­mes a little dull through use which redu­ces the transpar­ency. – Well, I don’t know! ;-)

  6. So after wai­ting for this era­ser for quite a long time, I finally had the chance to try it. Unfort­u­na­tely it doesn’t work as good as it looks. If you use it with har­der or HB pen­cils, I think it does ok, but if you try 2b or sof­ter, it makes a mess out of the paper. Kind of sme­ars all the gra­phite up and down the spot you intend to erase.

    The colo­red edi­tion of the Radar Light does a far bet­ter job with sof­ter degrees. So, I guess this is one of those pro­ducts that peo­ple will buy due to novelty, but that is desti­ned to be for­got­ten long time.

  7. You’re right – the Clear Radar doesn’t work well with sof­ter pen­cils. Of course it’s a novently item, and on top of that a very nice one! :-) By the way, I’m curr­ently using the stan­dard Radar and I am very happy with it.

  8. It is beau­tiful indeed. Wouldn’t mind taking it out to a cof­fee shop along my jour­nal and my fav pen­cil. I spe­ci­ally like the design and mate­rial of the sleeve. Do you hap­pen to know if the word „Radar“ is some reinter­pre­ta­tion of the Ger­man word „radier“?

    Any­way, do you have any poin­ters to the stan­dard Radar? I bought mine Light ver­sion wit­hout being aware they were light. I just noti­ced that on arrival.

  9. The Clear Radar is a real eye cat­cher! Yes, the design is very well thought out. – I don’t think that there is a con­nec­tion bet­ween “Radar” and “radier(en)” because “Radar” is an acro­nym for “radio detec­tion and ranging”.

    The stan­dard SEED Radar and some others can be found here.

  10. Wow! now that’s what I call variety.

    I only have three Seed era­sers: Radar Light, Clear Radar and the Seed Gold -which I’ve never used. But defi­ni­tely have to explore the brand more.

    What’s your take on Kokuyo era­sers? Any good?

  11. This is indeed a large variety!

    Yes, have a look at the other SEED era­sers too. I think you won’t reg­ret it!

    I can’t remem­ber an Kokuyo era­ser making a las­ting impres­sion on me.

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