Conté Indiana № 1073

Heute nur ein Foto, da mir die Gestal­tung die­ses Blei­stifts und sei­ner Ver­pa­ckung sehr gut gefällt.

Conté Indiana № 1073

Lei­der kann ich zum Conté Indiana № 1073 nichts sagen.

4 Kommentare zu „Conté Indiana № 1073“

  1. They seem to be older than the merge of Conté with Gilbert-​Blanzy-​Poure (in 1960, but Gil­bert had alre­ady bought Conté in 1950).

    The fact that their hard­ness is HB-n°2 might indi­cate a later production…but really here I’m just gues­sing, since maybe they were desti­ned to the export mar­ket („made in France“ and not „fabri­qué en France“)?

    Inte­res­t­ingly too, the „Indiana“ lin­eup, coming from Conté, was con­tin­ued to almost the end of French made pen­cils era by Conté/​Gilbert/​Bic, whe­reas most of the late offe­ring of Bic/​Conté was issued from the Gilbert/​Blanzy-​Poure ori­gi­nal lin­eup. I’m not much of a pen­cil his­to­rian, but I wish Conté name was kept in the pen­cil production…I also wish I were more inte­res­ted in pen­cils when I was young, there was some colorful offe­rings from these now defunct brands!

  2. Matt, thank you for your com­ment and these details! So these pen­cils could be 50 years old. – I have also loo­ked for the „Indiana“ name and was supri­sed how many varia­ti­ons exis­ted. I won­der why Conté has choo­sen this name!

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