13 Kommentare zu „Frohe Ostern!“

  1. Nice! A Staedt­ler Noris egg? Which egg pen­cil shar­pe­ner suits best? Artur Fischer Werke filed a inno­va­tive egg hol­der that was published recently. It holds the egg pen­cil when you cut off its top. Happy Easter!

  2. Thank you all for your comments!

    Sean: Yes, or „Eis­tift“ sans „Bl“ ;-)

    Wow­ter: I haven’t found a sui­ta­ble shar­pe­ner yet ;-) Thank you for men­tio­ning the egg hol­der. I have just loo­ked at the docu­ment – very clever!

    Sola: Thank you! :-) Howe­ver, the pro­por­ti­ons aren’t cor­rect – the lead is too thick but I had to make con­ces­si­ons. If it had the cor­rect size there would be only a small black spot at the end.

  3. Pingback: Noris & Co – Bleistift

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