Tipp des Tages

Wer kennt das nicht: Man greift für die Noti­zen in einer Bespre­chung zu einem anspre­chen­den Fall­mi­nen­stift, um die Zeit etwas ange­neh­mer zu gestal­ten, muss dann aber fest­stel­len, dass man den Minen­spit­zer ver­ges­sen hat oder ihn nicht benut­zen kann, weil es keine Ent­sor­gungs­mög­lich­keit für den Spitz­staub gibt1.

Tipp des Tages

Ein STAEDTLER MARS 780 aus den 1980er Jah­ren, einer der Vor­gän­ger des STAEDTLER Mars tech­nico 780

Doch man kann ver­mei­den, in diese miss­li­che Lage zu gera­ten. Anstatt mit einer lan­gen, nur an einem Ende ange­spitz­ten Mine befüllt man den Fall­mi­nen­stift mit eini­gen kur­zen, bei­den­dig spit­zen Minen­stü­cken und hat so nicht nur eine, son­dern je nach Länge des Stifts und der Stü­cke zehn oder gar mehr (!) Spit­zen parat, womit man auch bei lan­gen Bespre­chun­gen und umfang­rei­chen Noti­zen pro­blem­los ohne Minen­spit­zer über die Run­den kommt. – Hin­weis: Der Innen­durch­mes­ser der Zwin­gen man­cher Fall­mi­nen­stifte ist lei­der so knapp bemes­sen, dass die Minen­stü­cke auf­grund ihres gerin­gen Eigen­ge­wichts nicht durch­rut­schen. Mit die­sen Stif­ten funk­tio­niert der Tipp lei­der nicht.

Tipp des Tages

Die ande­ren Bespre­chungs­teil­neh­mer wer­den nei­disch sein oder ihren Ein­druck, dass der blei­schrei­bende Kol­lege ein komi­scher Kauz ist, erneut bestä­tigt sehen.

  1. Ein­wände wie „Es gibt Behälter-​Minenspitzer“ oder „Nimm einen Druck­blei­stift“ kann ich jetzt nicht gel­ten las­sen.

25 Kommentare zu „Tipp des Tages“

  1. Übri­gens, wie immer tolle Fotos. Und schön, dass die Wahl auf ein frü­hes 780er Modell fiel. Vie­len Dank für deine Bemü­hun­gen mit all den guten Inhal­ten hier auf der Website.

  2. Mir ist auf­ge­fal­len, dass es zwei neue Farb­va­ri­an­ten für 780 C auf der Staedtler-​Website gibt, 780 C-​70BK „Trend­farbe sand“ und 780 C-​78BK „Trend­farbe rose­wood“. Ich kann sie noch nicht im Han­del fin­den. Sie sind doch neu, oder?

  3. Ja, ich denke auch, dass diese bei­den Vari­an­ten neu sind. – Der erste nicht-​blaue Mars tech­nico 780 war mei­nes Wis­sens der schwarze, der 2016 auf der Insights-​X vor­ge­stellt wurde. Mit die­sem kamen der Härtegrad-​Indikator auf dem Clip nebst dazu­ge­hö­ri­gem Pfeil und lei­der auch der auf­ge­druckte Bar­code (letz­te­ren kann man übri­gens mit Spritus ent­fer­nen). Inter­es­sant zu wis­sen wäre, ob noch wei­tere Pro­dukte in die­sen „Trend­far­ben“ folgen!

  4. It does have a prac­ti­cal use, spe­ci­ally when you have a lot of small pie­ces of lead to dis­pose of. Also, when­ever I take my lead hol­ders on my suit­case, I hate to carry a lead poin­ter with me.

  5. On a daily basis I use KUM’s Easy­Po­int dual size lead poin­ter. It’s gives a nice sharp point, it’s quite pocke­ta­ble and it keeps the lead resi­due inside it. But if I really want extreme tips, I rely on my coll­ec­tion of old lead poin­ters. Got a cou­ple desk-​mounted Koh-​I-​Noors (model 999 and 992) that are not only a feast for the eyes, but also gene­rate tips that will make KUM’s Mas­ter­piece green with envy.

    Also love Alvin’s 5555 pocket lead poin­ter. What do you use?

  6. Thank you for these details! Is the KUM Easy­Po­int really com­ple­tely clo­sed? If I remem­ber cor­rectly there are two holes in the bot­tom (for design reasons to hold the inser­ted poin­ter?) through which gra­phite dust can leak.

    These Koh-​I-​Noor lead poin­ters look gor­ge­ous! Unfort­u­na­tely I know them only from pic­tures and haven’t used them. – I haven’t heard of the Alvin 5555 but accor­ding to some pho­tos it is made Ger­many. I won­der by whom!

    I like the M+R 960 very much but because the pen­cil rota­tes in the adap­ter there’s always the risk of traces on the grip resp. the bar­rel. It crea­tes an ama­zing and clean point!

    The uni DPS-​600 is very good too but for some unknown reason my first sud­denly stop­ped working; I have never found out why.

    I recently bought an A.W. Faber 5070 Pre­cis­ion Point which is basi­cally an Emca Pre­cis­ion Point but it came with one taper only. I like its shape (“space age”!) and con­s­truc­tion – ins­tead of a blade or a mil­ling unit it has four tiny rods with four sharp edges each. Howe­ver, inser­ting them in such a way that the unit shar­pens pro­perly is quite dif­fi­cult but maybe I still haven’t found out how to do it best (or there’s some­thing wrong with my pointer).

    The Faber-​Castell Min­fix 50/​65 is ama­zing too, and with its brass body it’s under­stan­da­ble to that it’s get­ting more and more expensive.

    A while ago I’ve loo­ked again at these mini­ma­li­stic poin­ters which con­sist of a small piece of extru­ded pla­s­tic, a blade and a screw (resp. a pla­s­tic rivet in one case). I have a few from the last deca­des and they work remar­kably well, much bet­ter that most of the ones available today (the worst is the one from Faber-​Castell, part no. 184100, which has an ope­ning which is too large, resul­ting in a huge radial play). The KUM-​onit 233 works good but two of the three I have orde­red don’t work at all (I assume that some­thing went wrong during injec­tion moul­ding). The best of the cur­rent poin­ters of that type is the M+R MICRO; this and a Faber-​Castell 50/​41 from the 1970s I’m curr­ently using the most.

  7. There is indeed a hole on the Easy­Po­int, but the import sti­cker sits under­neath, so until I need/​ want to remove it, it remains sea­led LOL! But yeah, it is a design flaw IMHO.

    Don’t know if I own an M+R 960, but I own seve­ral bar­rel poin­ters like it from Alvin, Faber, Staedt­ler, a Rot­ring one and a Chinese-​knockoff of Staedtler’s venerable Mars 502. Can’t remem­ber how good those are. All I know is that Staedtler’s 502 doesn’t fit the majo­rity of my lead hol­ders. Pre­fer the desk-​mounted tur­ret ones like the FC No.60. Also, those come with adap­ters for lead hol­ders of dif­fe­rent sizes.

    I also own the DPS-​600, which I initi­ally loved, until, just as yours, it stop­ped working altog­e­ther. So much for dis­posable plastic!

    Min­fix is one lead hol­der I’ve been loo­king to buy for quite some time. Spe­ci­ally the ver­sion that has it inte­gra­ted into a con­tai­ner with a clea­ning foam. Got the modern M+R Min­o­fix, but just don’t like the fact that the 3.2mm size is opti­mi­zed for color leads, mea­ning the tip is quite short and dull. What blades do you use with the Minfix?

    Also own seve­ral of those mini­ma­li­stic lead poin­ters, both old and cur­rent but don’t use them. There’s a tiny one with a inte­gra­ted con­tai­ner made by DUX model 3250 that is also great. Gotta buy a cou­ple more cause I can’t seem to find DUX web­site any­more. Have they gone bust? Don’t have the M+R Micro, unfortunately.

  8. So the sti­cker has a dou­ble use ;-)

    I had the cur­rent STAEDTLER tub poin­ter but have retour­ned it – I don’t remem­ber any details but was lucky to get rid of it. The M+R 960 has three adap­ters, and so far I haven’t found a lead hol­der that didn’t fit.

    It’s strange that your uni lead poin­ter stop­ped working too. Have you found out why?

    There was a Min­fix with a con­tai­ner? I have never seen it. Do you know the model num­ber? – I still have spare blades for the Min­fix left which will last a while.

    The DUX 3250 is still available; see page 10 in the Geotex/​DUX cata­lo­gue. Howe­ver, I don’t know a retailer. – You would think that the German-​made M+R Micro would be easy to get in the stores here but unfort­u­na­tely that’s not the case; I bought it on eBay.

  9. No, never found out why the uni DPS600 stop­ped working. I put it out of the con­tai­ner to spot the blade, but found not­hing off. Weird that this item fai­led within a year, but the rest of my lead poin­ters which are at least 30 years old, are still working wit­hout any problems!

    The Faber model is 50/​75. A fri­end of mine has one he got NOS from Ger­many many years ago. That’s how I got to know about the Minfix.

    Weird that you can­not find Ger­man DUX pro­ducts in Ger­many. Would have ima­gi­ned it would be the other way around. BTW loo­king at the cata­log, remin­ded me that I want a Gedess! Do you hap­pen to own one?

  10. That’s odd! I have loo­ked at the blade and its sur­roun­dings with a magni­fier and couldn’t find any­thing. At first I thought the screw became loose and the blade has moved away from the lead but this wasn’t the case. I have now thrown it away and hope that my second one won’t have the same problem.

    Ah, the 50/​75! I have that one too. From your descrip­tion I thought it was a con­tai­ner with a Min­fix. The shar­pe­ner in the 50/​75 is very dif­fe­rent and, by the way, very ela­bo­ra­tely manu­fac­tu­red – I won­der why they have deci­ded to attach a thread to the brass poin­ter and have not atta­ched it in any other way.

    The pro­blems with fin­ding DUX and M+R shar­pe­ners is the dis­tri­bu­tion and the fact that there are fewer and fewer shops with high-​quality sta­tio­nery, at least in my neigh­bour­hood. But luckily there are online shops!

  11. Yeah, that 50/​75 is quite a cool lead poin­ter. Never been a fan of green, but FC somehow has made me change per­spec­tive! Love most of their pro­ducts, spe­ci­ally vin­tage ones.

    For­t­u­na­tely for us in MX, KUM and DUX pro­ducts are easy to find. M+R not so much. Which is really a shame, as I find their shar­pe­ners quite good and with repla­ce­ment blades, quite useful for the long-haul.

  12. A bela­ted ans­wer to an older ques­tion from you: Yes, I have a Gedess and have pre­sen­ted it here. I don’t use it any lon­ger, though.

    The 50/​75 is indeed cool! And for­t­u­na­tely it is in the older green which is much brigh­ter than the cur­rent one (which is not even reco­g­nisable as green under cer­tain light­ing conditions).

    Good to hear that you can easily get KUM and DUX pro­ducts in your coun­try. If you are loo­king for a cer­tain M+R pro­duct but can’t find it just let me know – I am happy to con­tri­bute to globalisation ;-)

  13. Just read the review of the Gedess. That’s too bad. That lead shar­pe­ner is incre­di­bly hard to find vin­tage over here (Mex or US). The new ver­sion pops from time to time, but now that I know how bad it is, I’d rather dream with having a Swiss made copy some­time in the future.

    Yes, that old Faber green is far more lively that what they use today. I’ll let you know if I need some Gun­ther Schmidt’s Par­cel Ser­vice soon! ;o)

  14. Actually the Gedess is cle­verly made and very appe­al­ing, but the work­man­ship of the grin­ding sur­face, espe­ci­ally in the new ver­sion, is not very plea­sing and deva­lues the device.

    I won­der if it is pos­si­ble to deter­mine the age of a Faber-​Castell pro­duct based on the green hue alone ;-)

  15. Ah, the Hi-​uni Hol­der from the 1970s! An ama­zing item. If you’re lucky you can find one at Mer­cari for 40 to 80 Euro (plus the fees for the proxy ser­vice) . – I’ve shor­tened your link.

  16. Sorry for not shor­tening the link in my com­ment, but couldn’t find a way to do it. Does these text­bo­xes accept HTML?

    Will look for it. I defi­ni­tely love Hi-​Uni pro­ducts. BTW Hi-​Uni leads are to be dis­con­tin­ued soon. Do you hap­pen to have any?

    Got a pack of B or 2B in 0.5mm size and their excel­lent, but not as good as our bel­oved Neox!

  17. No pro­blem with the link. – The com­ment boxes accept a few HTML tags.

    It looks as if some­thing went wrong here. I couldn’t find the com­ment with your link I have shor­tened, sear­ched for it and found it at „Kurz notiert“ but my reply (and yours) is here. I don’t know what hap­pened; I have moved it here. But who knows – maybe I ans­we­red in the wrong place and got ever­y­thing mixed up ;-) But not­hing has been lost.

    I’ve heard about the dis­con­ti­nua­tion of the Hi-​uni GRCT leads. I think I have tried them long ago and must still have one or the other box somewhere.

    The Pilot Neox Gra­phite are unrivalled :-)

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