Einen ungewöhnlichen Bleistift bot die Eagle Pencil Company in den 1930er Jahren an.
Der 145 mm lange und knapp 12 mm breite, aber nur gut 3 mm flache Stift mit dem Namen „Bookmark“ hat eine 2 × 3 mm dicke Mine und eine dekorative Metallkappe, deren goldene Farbe mit dem Prägedruck korrespondiert.
Ganz gleich, ob dieser Bleistift wirklich als Lesezeichen gedacht war oder nur aufgrund seiner Form so genannt wurde: Ich finde ihn sehr geschmackvoll.
Thanks for this post…I’ve been looking for one of these! Although I’ve never really had an interest in „novelty pencils“, this is an exception. Do you think that the pencil is too thick and might damage a hardcover book? And, have you ever tried sharpening one? They seem to be just a thinner version of a carpenter’s pencil.
Sehr stilvoll und schön – Klasse. Aber IMHO weniger nützlich als Lesezeichen. Er wird vielleicht die Ursache für unerwünschten Graphit-Marken auf den Seiten sein? ;-)
Sean, to me that pencil is too thick to be useful as a bookmark – I am afraid that it will slip out too easily, leave marks when sharpened or even damage the book. No, I haven’t sharpened it, and since the one shown is my only one I won’t.
Henrik, da hast Du völlig recht – wenn dieser Bleistift einmal angespitzt ist, dürfte er unschöne Spuren im Buch hinterlassen.
Do you happen to know if this was a type of pencil that was made by several other manufacturers? I have seen them so few times that I wonder if they were more of a novelty item for just a few companies rather than being a pencil type that most manufacturers made at one point. It seems like if you were able to produce carpenter’s pencils then you’d be able to produce ‚bookmark‘ pencils.
Ever come across something like them in old Staedtler literature?
I haven’t seen a pencil like that one before so I assume it has been a noveltly pencil made only by very few manufacturers. I can’t remember such an item from old Staedtler literature but I will look again in the 1919 catalogue (which is the only old Staedtler catalogue I own).
Penciltalk has a little bit about flat pencils http://www.penciltalk.org/2007/10/flat-cedar-pencils
Indeed, they look very similar; besides that, they remind me of these from Staedtler (I haven’t thought of the latter before).
Übrigens, Herzlichen Glückwünsch zu dem Namenstag. Gestern war der Heilige Gunther… ;-)
Danke! :-)
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