SEED Radarline

Für das prä­zise Radie­ren gedacht ist der Radar­line des japa­ni­schen Anbie­ters SEED.

SEED Radarline

Der 20 × 74 mm große und nur 5 mm dünne Radie­rer ist ver­gleichs­weise fest, was bei die­ser gerin­gen Dicke wohl auch nötig ist. Eine der bei­den gro­ßen Sei­ten­flä­chen ist längs gerif­felt, doch den Grund dafür kenne ich nicht. – Im Gegen­satz zum aus Viet­nam stam­men­den Radar wird der Radar­line in Japan hergestellt.

SEED Radarline

Mit dem Pen­tel Black Poly­mer 999

Die ers­ten schnel­len Tests waren viel­ver­spre­chend: Der Radar­line radiert sehr gut, hin­ter­lässt nur wenige Späne und ist recht spar­sam. Auf die Ergeb­nisse im täg­li­chen Ein­satz bin ich gespannt!

SEED Radarline

Der mit zwei unter­schied­li­chen Man­schet­ten erhält­li­che Radar­line kos­tet in Japan 120 Yen (knapp 1 Euro); ich habe ihn bei Lui­ban für 1,90 Euro erworben.

8 Kommentare zu „SEED Radarline“

  1. Ano­ther great era­ser by Seed, that I use daily at the office!
    A bit thi­c­ker (0,5mm) than the Tom­bow Mono Smart, and I would say slightly sof­ter too. It also comes in square sec­tion, but I pre­fer the „flat“ one, to erase just a „line“ of wri­ting, or part of it.

    I see Gun­ther is chea­ting (I’m kid­ding) by using an easy to erase Pen­tel Black Poly­mer pen­cil there, but the Radar­line does a good job era­sing most pen­cils on most papers, despite being har­der that usual block erasers

  2. I’m happy to hear that you like this era­ser too!

    Yes, it’s indeed a little sof­ter than the Tom­bow Mono Smart, and I like that. – Doesn’t the other vari­ant have actually a cross-​shaped sec­tion? (Maybe it’s because such a sec­tion has more cor­ners for pre­cise erasing.)

    The reason why I have shown a Pen­tel Black Poly­mer 999 for size com­pa­ri­son was that I could like to the post about that pen­cil ;-) Yes, the Radar­line era­ses other pen­cils very well too!

  3. I wasn’t too much into Seed era­sers until a cer­tain highly-​knowledgeable pen­cil gen­tle­man from the land of the likes of Faber and Staedt­ler poin­ted me towards them. Rings a bell?

    Glad I did, cause apart from their gor­ge­ous loo­king Clear Radar (which is not an all-​around per­for­mer), all other era­sers I’ve tried from them, have pro­ven to be awe­some alter­na­ti­ves to my best-​in-​class era­sers. Curr­ently I’m using the cross-​shaped Radar­point ver­sion, which has 10mm faces on each side. Guess said cross-​shape is much more func­tional when wri­ting Kanji, than Spa­nish or Eng­lish, but still works pretty well.

    It shares the same pack­a­ging than the Radar­line, so I assume is part of the same pro­duct line -even if they don’t share their brand name. Ano­ther oddity with this era­ser, is that it comes in two dif­fe­rent pack­a­ging colors: black or white, but the era­sers inside, are pretty much the same, or at least, I have been unable to find any dis­cer­ni­ble difference.

    Always fasci­na­ted by the myriad inno­va­tions Japanese-​stationary makers intro­duce into their items.

  4. Yes, that rings a bell ;-)

    All the SEED era­sers I have tried so far work per­fectly (except for the Clear Radar), and I’m happy to hear that you like them too.

    Yes, I also think that they belong to the same pro­duct line. I’m sure they are the same but the dif­fe­rent slee­ves are not new – the Radar issued on the occa­sion of its 50th anni­ver­sary was available with 50 dif­fe­rent slee­ves.

    Yes, the Japa­nese sta­tio­nery inno­va­tions are truly fascinating!

  5. Eine Ant­wort auf die offene Frage nach der gerif­fel­ten Flä­che: Die Ril­len sol­len das Radie­ren grö­ße­rer Flä­chen erleich­tern. Mit dem Ergeb­nis eines Praxis-​Tests kann ich aller­dings nicht dienen.

    Viele Grüße


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