„Etwas über das Spitzen der Stifte“

Aus einer Bro­schüre von J.S. STAEDTLER des Jah­res 1933: Eine Infor­ma­tion zum Spit­zen und die Reklame für den NORIS-​Spezialspitzer 4510 „für alle Stifte mit wei­cher, emp­find­li­cher Mine“.

„Etwas über das Spitzen der Stifte“

Die­ser paten­tierte Spit­zer bot bereits damals einen Spitz­stopp, um eine zu feine Spitze und das unnö­tige Spit­zen zu ver­hin­dern. – Der Vier­tel­mond darf hier natür­lich nicht fehlen.

„Etwas über das Spitzen der Stifte“

Klei­nes Rate­spiel am Rande: Wer ent­deckt den Zwiebelfisch?

9 Kommentare zu „„Etwas über das Spitzen der Stifte““

  1. Haben die Schüle“r“ den Zwie­bel­fisch gegessen?
    Wie­der ein­mal ein sehr inter­es­san­ter Beitrag.
    Viele Grüße

  2. How inte­res­t­ing there is so little infor­ma­tion on this par­ti­cu­lar pen­cil shar­pe­ner. There is men­tion of a bake­lite ver­sion from 1950s-​1960s by the same num­ber. But this one has a much more attrac­tive design. Let us do some addi­tio­nal research!

  3. What is the mea­ning of ‚Zwie­bel­fisch‘? Great word!

    Here is the answer:
    https://www.spiegel.de/kultur/zwiebelfisch/hintergrund-was-der-name-zwiebelfisch-bedeutet-a-256454.html :

    – Quote –

    „Doch das Wort hat noch eine zweite Bedeu­tung: Im Buch- und Zei­tungs­druck bezeich­net „Zwie­bel­fisch“ einen Buch­sta­ben inner­halb eines Wor­tes, der (ver­se­hent­lich) in einer fal­schen Schrift­art gesetzt wurde. Irgend­je­mand hatte mal die Asso­zia­tion, dass ein Hau­fen durch­ein­an­der gera­te­ner Schrift­ty­pen wie ein Schwarm Zwie­bel­fi­sche aus­sehe. Da die Set­zer­spra­che bild­hafte Aus­drü­cke sehr schätzt (man denke an „Huren­kind“ und „Schus­ter­junge“), hat sich der „Zwie­bel­fisch“ als Bezeich­nung für falsch gesetzte Let­tern etabliert.“

  4. I have the impres­sion that there were alre­ady many dif­fe­rent shar­pe­ners back then, both playful and with nifty fea­tures (like that 4510). I’d really like to know more about them and their makers but fin­ding details is dif­fi­cult (as as I alre­ady had to rea­lise with the “Gra­nate”).

    The terms of the prin­ting trade are funny!

  5. Nice piece of shar­pe­ner history, won­der how it loo­ked like in the actual flesh -brass and how did it performed.

    Also, find it quite inte­res­t­ing how the Noris brand has been used by Staedt­ler in seve­ral ways, from pen­cils, to lead hol­ders, to 2mm leads, to shar­pe­ners, and now, digi­tal stylus access­ories. It not only cat­ches my atten­tion because I’m kind of „in love“ with these par­ti­cu­lar pen­cils, but also, because in our side of the world, the brand is far less known and posi­tio­ned than Tra­di­tion or Mars Lumograph.

    By the way, did you ever hap­pen to use those lead hol­der leads bran­ded Noris?

  6. It would cer­tainly be inte­res­t­ing to see the shar­pe­ner in the flesh and in use! Howe­ver, I’m not sure if it was made from brass – “Leicht­me­tall” speaks more for alu­mi­nium or magnesium.

    The brand “Noris” has been used for a very large range of pro­ducts, inclu­ding dra­wing instru­ments. I’m sur­pri­sed that it’s les­ser known in your region!

    No, I haven’t used the Noris leads.

  7. Any idea as to what mate­rial was first used to manu­fac­ture pocket shar­pe­ners? I’ve seen that the great majo­rity of vin­tage shar­pe­ners and lead shar­pe­ners from Faber, use brass. Thou, I’ve seen many old DUX, KUM and M+R in magnesium.

    No, the Noris brand is prac­ti­cally non-​existent here, nor in the US AFAIK. I’ve seen more Noris pro­ducts in Canada. Some­thing not enti­rely rare, since for exam­ple, lead hol­ders such as the French Cri­te­rium, are also more widely available there.

    BTW, I just saw an anti­ques Berlin-​based shop, offe­ring a Noris lead hol­der that is incre­di­bly strange for a variety of reasons: 1. It has no yel­low color any­where, nor any blue, except for the foi­ling. 2. It is made enti­rely out of metal (mir­ror finish) -per­haps alu­mi­num. 3. It has the 53400 desi­gna­tion, which is out of tune with the more com­mon 48000 of the blue lead hol­ders. 4. It is marked J.S. Steadt­ler -which was not in use in the era of the 48000 pen­cils -again, AFAIK. Have you ever seen one like this?

  8. This is a dif­fi­cult ques­tion. Which pocket shar­pe­ner is con­side­red the first one? The first with coni­cal dril­ling was the one from Marion but it was cer­tainly not pocke­ta­ble. I assume that brass was the pre­fer­red mate­rial back then.

    Do you have the STAEDTLER tra­di­tion pen­cil in your region?

    Are you refer­ring to this one on eBay? No, I haven’t seen some­thing like this before. I think it’s from the 1950’s but I’m not sure.

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