Druckbleistift Pilot H-3005
Der Druckbleistift H-300x1 mit der Artikelnummer HHP-300S2 war bis vor gut zehn Jahren eines der Spitzenmodelle des japanischen Herstellers Pilot. Er und die günstigeren Modelle H-100x3 (HHP-100R) und H-200x (HH-200K) waren und sind hauptsächlich wegen der Doppeldruckmechanik, mit der sich die Spitze einziehen lässt4, bekannt und beliebt5. Sobald ich mehr über die Geschichte dieser Stifte weiß, trage ich es nach. – Das Faltblatt ist hier nur ausschnittsweise gezeigt; der Rest folgt.
Anm.: Dem wachsamen Auge wird nicht entgangen sein, dass sich der Stift im Foto und der in dem Faltblatt abgebildete im Muster und der Beschriftung des Griffstücks, der Spitzenfom sowie der Gestaltung des Rings unter dem Drücker unterscheiden. Das Faltblatt wurde zwar mit dem gezeigten Stift ausgeliefert, aber wohl für die erste Variante des H-2005 erstellt.
Nachtrag vom 19.7.18: Der Reddit-Nutzer cytherian bekam von Pilot Europa folgende Produktionszeiträume genannt:
H-1005: 1983–2006
H-2005: 1983–1995
H-3005: 1983–1988
Nachtrag vom 14.4.19: Details zu dem Patent, das dem Pilot Holder vermutlich zu Grunde liegt, gibt es unter „Doppeldruck“.
Nachtrag vom 3.2.24: Im Knockology-Forum unter „Vintage Pilot Double-Knocks“ gibt es weitere Details zu den Produktionszeiträumen.
- Mit x = 3 oder 5 für den Minendurchmesser in ⅒ mm. Von Varianten mit 0,7-mm-Mine habe ich noch nicht gehört.↩
- „HH” steht für „Hi-Mecha Holder“. – Soweit ich weiß, wurden diese Artikelnummern um „B“ („black”?) und den Minendurchmesser ergänzt, so dass der gezeigte Stift unter HHP-300S-B-03 lief.↩
- Außerhalb Japans auch als „Vanishing Point“ bekannt. – Den H-1005 gab es zudem in zwei leicht unterschiedlichen Ausführungen, die sich in der Oberfläche und der Materialqualität des Kunststoffschafts sowie der Spitzenform unterschieden.↩
- Im Faltblatt heißt es: „The Pilot Holder is the first mechanical pencil in the world to adopt a mechanical lead holder with a double-push button system.“ Interessant in diesem Zusammenhang wäre, wann das Patent erteilt wurde.↩
- Zu diesen Modellen gehört auch der H-210x (HHR-200R), der aufgrund seines Design jedoch aus der Reihe fällt.↩
Thank you! Great to read and see these masterful objects. Pentel, Pilot, Uni, etc. there were so many beautiful designs and mechanisms from Japan in the past. And though, it seems, less metal is involved these days, they still innovate like Zebra DelGuard for instance. Evolution is so fascinating in man-made products.
Yes, indeed! There have been very masterful mechanical pencils in the past, and it’s all too understandable that these are very much in demand today. Fortunately the development continues, and the technology used e. g. in the Kuru Toga and the DelGuard is amazing!
Damals baute Pilot noch schöne Stifte, beim derzeitigen Feinminenstiftprogramm ist so gar nichts nach meinem Geschmack dabei.
Es ist wirklich Geschmackssache. Viele der aktuellen Druckbleistifte von Pilot sprechen mich auch nicht an, aber die Modelle der S-Reihe, vor allem S10 und S20, finde ich ich wirklich sehr gut. Praktisch ist auch, dass man die Teile kombinieren und sich so z. B. einen S20/0.4 und einen S15 basteln kann.
Zeitlos schön.
Das Design ist in der Tat zeitlos! Ich weiß nicht genau, wann diese Modelle auf den Markt kamen, aber sie dürften 30 Jahre alt sein und können sich heute noch sehen lassen.
Excellent pencil. I never thought I could get it in Argentina, but after a long search I got an H-2003. It has more weight at the tip than the H-1005, which is more balanced and a little lighter. I think that the design of the grip gives it an aspect the 70’s or the beginning of the 80’s. I relate it to the electronics and the punched cards of the first computers.
I’m happy to hear that you got a H-2003! It’s an amazing pencil and differs from the flagship H-3003 only in the design. May I ask you which pattern your H-2003 has?
As far as I know there have been at least three different variants of that pencil: 1. the one in the leaflet with rectangular dimples and the marking “HOLDER”, 2. with rectangular dimples and without the marking “HOLDER”, and 3. with square dimples and without the marking “HOLDER”.Yes, the grip could indeed resemble this technology! I am currently trying to find out when these pencils have been introduced, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they really had their origin in the late 1970s or early 1980s.
Edit (21.7.18): I was wrong with the variants; see below.
Thank you! Here’s my H-2003
The grip says PILOT • 0.3 • HOLDER.
I have seen others who say JAPAN https://www.ebay.com/itm/VINTAGE-PILOT-H-2003-VANISHING-POINT-0-3MM-DRAFTING-MECHANICAL-PENCIL-1980S-/263545246084
About the pattern, I found this picture that contradicts my theory about electronics graphics.
Have you checked this blog?
Thank you for the photo and the links! Since your H-2003 has square dimples and the marking “HOLDER” it looks like there was even a fourth variant of the H-200x. – Yes, I know that blog. The number of these pencils alone is impressive! – I think that the similarity of these patterns is a coincidence.
Lexicalist, thanks for your terrific article and photos about one of my favorite mechanical pencils! I’d seen one H-2005 for sale with such a pamphlet, but alas the price went too high. I’m glad to finally see the hidden page, with all the photo details.
About the engraving, the H-200x series had either black squares (0.3mm) or rectangles (0.5mm) etched into the metal, disconnected from each other. The H-300x series would have either thin (0.3mm) or thick (0.5mm) black rectangles etched into the metal with joining lines parallel to the body. I have not seen any other etching variation, although there have been variations on placement of etched lettering.
Cytherian, thank you for these details regarding the production dates and the variants! I didn’t know that the etching of the H-2003 and H-2005 was different from the beginning; I thought they have changed the design at some point. – Regarding the pamphlet: Actually it is much larger, and I hope to show it completely soon.
Once upon a time I used to view old mechanical pencils as boring and pretty unexciting. Back then, I was drawn into Kuru Togas, Delguards and the like.
After my encounter with the lovely and mysterious Platinum pencils, I can’t get enough of old beauties such as this Pilot. I particularly like the step down details on the tip, above the grip and just below the clicker.
The seem to have way more character than, say, a Pentel Orenznero.
Wonder what it will be like to go over your entire collection of writing tools. I’m sure it would be a magnificent ride!
There are still many boring and unexciting mechanical pencils, both old and new ;-) However, I would consider some of them appealing just because they are unexciting, e. g. the P200. It’s the archetype of the drafting pencils, copied many times, and to me it has its own appeal.
Yes, some old mechanical pencils are indeed beauties, and these Pilot pencil clearly belong to that category.
I’m afraid you won’t be very impressed by my collection. It’s quite small, and I don’t have most of these so-called “holy grail” pencils all collectors are looking for (e. g. the unicarbo).
I purchased the Kuru Toga as one of the „holy grail“ pencils of today, only to find out that it won’t work with cursive and that the tip wiggles while trying to draw, so in my opinion „holy grail“ is a little too overrated.
And then, the Platinums I found are probably outside of collector’s collective radar screens and yet, they appeal a lot to me. The fact that they have been ignored all these years while being perfectly functioning items, only seems to add to that value.
Last but not least, perhaps the most appealing side to your selection however big or small, are the stories behind each object -which is the reason a like this blog a lot. I find it quite boring when someone just shows off the hundreds or thousands of pencils, pens or whatever they have hoarded over the years, only to hear where they bought it or how much they went for.
I’m not sure if the Kuru Toga can be considered a “holy grail” pencil – to me this category applies to pencils like the Pilot Automatic, the Mitsubishi uni carbo etc., i. e. to those pencils which went out of production a long time ago and fetch prices above 500 USD. However, I don’t think that one should think in categories like these.
The mechanical pencils from Platinum may not be as popular as those from e. g. Pentel or Pilot but at least the ones I know (and have) are great. Unfortunately I don’t have vintage ones from that company but I’m sure these are amazing too!
I don’t have many stories to tell ;-) There is a cheap propelling pencil I got when I was ten, and there are two Staedtler drafting pencils I have used 18 resp. 19 years. It doesn’t get much more exciting, and in most cases I can’t say where I bought the pencil and how much I have paid for it :-)