Kurz notiert

8 Kommentare zu „Kurz notiert“

  1. In Man­ches­ter hab es vor Fünf­ze­hen Jah­ren einen Adi­das Laden mit Beson­der­hei­ten, er war direkt neben dem Muji Laden. Eine Zeit lang wurde dort ein Blei­stift Set mit Adi­das Auf­druck von Faber-​Castell verkauft.

  2. Mana­ged to get my hands on one of those Uni Adi­das pen­cil packs in 2B. Nice, but not­hing extra­or­di­nary for a pen­cil. It’s not dipped, the lead is just average Uni, and the wood is not cedar. Was expec­ting more!

  3. I’m sorry to hear that the uni Adi­das pen­cil is not­hing extra­or­di­nary. But per­haps with this pen­cil the brand coope­ra­tion is more important than the pencil’s qua­lity. Or we’re just spoilt by the uni and the Hi-uni ;-)

  4. Oh yes! She’s an Adi­das fan-​girl! She repres­ents the Artis­tic Swim­ming team for the big­gest and oldest Uni­ver­sity in Latin Ame­rica (UNAM), and she was upset that Nike was their spon­sor. Next sea­son they will be swit­ching, hop­efully this time will be Adi­das just like the natio­nal team.

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