4 Kommentare zu „Gruppenbild“

  1. These Mitsu­bi­shi pen­cil exten­sor is very rare!

    I also wanna know how to write in Japa­nese to ask for a cus­tom print. I see many stores on Raku­ten accep­ting this kind of ser­vice. Very nice!

  2. You’re right, Alui­sio – after buy­ing it in 2008 I haven’t seen it for sale again. By the way, the UPH-​8000 was issued in 2008 on the occa­sion of the 50th anni­ver­sary of the uni brand. Only 5000 were made, and despite the price of 8400 Yen it sold out very quickly. – A fri­end in Japan has hel­ped me with the cus­tom imprint.

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