4 Kommentare zu „Hunde im Nebel“

  1. It always gives me joy to see your Shiba fea­ture on your web-​page. We’ve had Shi­bas for 20+ years – 2 in resi­dence at the moment – and our boy is cal­led KINSHO! Wis­hing you many years of joy with your dog!

  2. I’m very happy to hear that you like the pho­tos of Kisho and that you have had Shi­bas for such a long time. Do you have some pho­tos of them online? You boy’s name is a funny coin­ci­dence :-) Time is pas­sing so quickly, so we enjoy every minute with Kisho.

  3. Hi! Yes, there are some pics of our Shi­bas and our other dogs on my FB page – Andrew Hall – please do drop by!

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