Neun Jahre

Neun Jahre

Zur Deko­ra­tion: Detail des Halb-​Farbstifts STAEDTLER LUNA № 9

Die­ses Web­log fei­ert heute sein Neun­jäh­ri­ges. Danke an meine Leser für ihr Inter­esse und ihre Teil­nahme an dem bun­ten Durch­ein­an­der! – In den letz­ten Wochen war hier wenig los, doch ich bin zuver­sicht­lich, dass sich das bald ändert.

9 Kommentare zu „Neun Jahre“

  1. Dear Gun­ther, the pen­cil num­ber 9 is like candy to cele­brate the ninth bir­th­day of Lexi­ka­li­ker. Well any new post here is like a candy to me. I enjoy rea­ding them. Next year there is a crown year cele­bra­tion and from now on you are ente­ring this tenth year alre­ady. Thank you for inte­res­t­ing sto­ries. I wish you many years in your part­ner­ship with Lexi­ka­li­ker. May you two grow old tog­e­ther. Hiep hiep hoera!

  2. Vie­len Dank für all die schö­nen Posts, span­nen­den Infos und bun­ten Bil­der! Auf die nächs­ten 9 Jahre!!!

  3. Thank you always for your infor­med posts! The day I stumb­led upon this blog was an aus­pi­cious day indeed :)

    I always meant to ask, why is the blog named Lexikaliker?

  4. Danke an alle für die Kom­men­tare, die Wün­sche und die Kom­pli­mente! :-) Ich werde mein Bes­tes geben, um weiterzumachen.

    Thank you all for your comm­ents, your wis­hes and the con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons! :-) I’ll do my best to continue.

    Sola: „Lexi­ka­li­ker“ is a nick­name a fri­end has coined many years ago because of my love for dictio­naries and ency­clo­pe­dias. The Ger­man word „Lexika“ is the plu­ral of „Lexi­kon“ (lexi­con, dic­tion­ary), and „-liker“ is a suf­fix which is used in con­nec­tion with a noun to cha­rac­te­rize someone, e. g. „Sto­iker“ (stoic), „Tech­ni­ker“ (tech­ni­cian), „Para­noi­ker“ (para­noiac) and „Hek­ti­ker“ (per­son in a rush). So „Lexi­ka­li­ker“ shows yet ano­ther of my obses­si­ons :-) When I star­ted my blog I nee­ded no time to think to choose this one as the name – it is both odd and uni­que, just like me ;-)

  5. Happy 9th anni­ver­sary, Gunther. 

    Thanks a lot for all the inspi­ra­tion you gave us. 

    I wish for ano­ther won­derful nine years (at least :).

    Be well

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