
Der Mensch tut gut daran, einen Blei­stift bei sich zu tra­gen und die Gedan­ken, wenn sie kom­men, niederzuschreiben.

— Sir Fran­cis von Veru­lam Bacon (1561–1626), eng­li­scher Phi­lo­soph, Essay­ist und Staats­mann, ent­warf die Metho­do­lo­gie der Wissenschaften

Danke an Kai für den Hinweis!

4 Kommentare zu „Zitat“

  1. I like it when Eng­lish scho­lars quote in Ger­man (Gedan­ken: beau­tiful!)! It gives a very inte­res­t­ing and solid twist to glo­bal inte­gra­tion and for­eign understanding :).

  2. Ich habe mal nach­ge­schaut und bin auf die­ses Zitat von Bacon gestoßen:

    A man would do well to carry a pen­cil in his pocket, and write down the thoughts of the moment. Those that come unsought are com­monly the most valuable, and should be secu­red, because they sel­dom return.

    Es sieht so aus, als fehle in der deut­schen Über­set­zung der zweite und in mei­nen Augen wich­ti­gere Teil des Zitats.

  3. For me wri­ting in Ger­man wit­hout mista­kes is dif­fi­cult. It is the grammar that is so com­pli­ca­ted. But I enjoy rea­ding Ger­man a lot. The words sound strong as they resem­ble my native lan­guage but sur­pass it in impact. Thank you for adding some more con­text in Eng­lish. Secu­ring unsought thoughts with a pen­cil to pre­vent they would be lost fore­ver. Very nice too! The more lan­guages a per­son mas­ters, the more he loses hims­elf in dreaming.

  4. I am happy to hear that you enjoy rea­ding Ger­man! Yes, the Ger­man grammar is indeed com­pli­ca­ted. – To secure unsoughts thoughts is really important, and this is why I always have some­thing to write with me. Howe­ver, my thoughts are pretty unim­portant and mun­dane com­pared to those of Bacon ;-) – I still have to think about your last thought.

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