Der Mensch tut gut daran, einen Bleistift bei sich zu tragen und die Gedanken, wenn sie kommen, niederzuschreiben.
— Sir Francis von Verulam Bacon (1561–1626), englischer Philosoph, Essayist und Staatsmann, entwarf die Methodologie der Wissenschaften
Danke an Kai für den Hinweis!
I like it when English scholars quote in German (Gedanken: beautiful!)! It gives a very interesting and solid twist to global integration and foreign understanding :).
Ich habe mal nachgeschaut und bin auf dieses Zitat von Bacon gestoßen:
Es sieht so aus, als fehle in der deutschen Übersetzung der zweite und in meinen Augen wichtigere Teil des Zitats.
For me writing in German without mistakes is difficult. It is the grammar that is so complicated. But I enjoy reading German a lot. The words sound strong as they resemble my native language but surpass it in impact. Thank you for adding some more context in English. Securing unsought thoughts with a pencil to prevent they would be lost forever. Very nice too! The more languages a person masters, the more he loses himself in dreaming.
I am happy to hear that you enjoy reading German! Yes, the German grammar is indeed complicated. – To secure unsoughts thoughts is really important, and this is why I always have something to write with me. However, my thoughts are pretty unimportant and mundane compared to those of Bacon ;-) – I still have to think about your last thought.