4 Kommentare zu „Fundstück“

  1. Der Schnitt am Holz sieht mir sehr nach einem Spit­zer aus, doch die Mine macht tat­säch­lich den Ein­druck, als hätte man sie mit einem Mes­ser verschönert.

  2. Yes, LYRA Indus­trial has an inte­res­t­ing offe­ring, and as far as I know they have the lar­gest range of wood-​cased mar­king imple­ments for spe­cial use.

    A while ago I lear­ned from LYRA that the Micro Cel­lug­raph has been offe­red for a short time only because it didn’t go down well with Euro­pean cus­to­mers. Luckily LYRA send me a sam­ple, and as soon as time per­mits I will show it on my blog, along with the regu­lar Cel­lug­raph (which is huge). – By the way, the Micro Cel­lug­raph lives on in the Dixon Reach (LYRA and Dixon both belong to FILA).

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