6 Kommentare zu „Jahreswechsel“

  1. Wow, so this is how it gets ;) I star­ted mine about ten days ago.
    Happy new year Gun­ther, and I look for­ward to many more exci­ting articles!

  2. Very impres­sive. I sup­pose you have writ­ten and sket­ched quite a lot in this Techo. I assume you also glued some stuff into the pages.

  3. Great photo! I love pho­tos of old, bat­te­red, well-​used and much-​loved jour­nals. By the the time they are finis­hed they have become a tre­asu­red com­pa­n­ion, haven’t they? But then there is the new, crisp and pris­tine jour­nal which is pati­ently wai­ting for new memo­ries to be shared and a new fri­end­ship to be made. Happy wri­ting, Lexikaliker!

  4. Thank you all and Happy New Year!

    Sola: I hope you will enjoy your Techo! – I’ll do my best in 2015 :-)

    Bak­tasch: I can’t draw pro­perly but I have writ­ten a lot into it. About 11 months ago I have bought an inex­pen­sive laser colour prin­ter, and prin­ting pho­tos 9 cm wide became its main purpose :-)

    Lara Con­nock: Thank you! Yes, the Techo has indeed become a tre­asu­red com­pa­n­ion, and it was great to look back at 2014 through it. I have used it also as a diary and have sti­cked a lot into it (mainly pho­tos) so it is also some kind of family album.

    Mat­thias: Danke, Dir auch!

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