Unser Kisho hat heute seinen ersten Geburtstag!
Wir feiern mit seinem Bruder Shiro (er stammt aus dem gleichen Wurf und hat daher auch Geburtstag), seiner Mutter Inka und allen dazugehörigen Zweibeinern; selbstgemachte Leckerlies und Kuchen stehen parat. – „Wir haben ganz schön einen an der Waffel“, meint meine bessere Hälfte und hat damit natürlich völlig recht.
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Kisho!
Happy Birthday Kisho!
BTW our „puppy“ is named 吉祥. Would your Kisho have any characters in common?
deh: Danke! Ich werde es ausrichten :-)
Sola: As far as I know Kisho’s name in Kanji is 紀章 so it doesn’t look like the names have any characters in common (however, I don’t know about their similarity or relationship). – May I ask what kind of puppy do you have? And how is its name pronounced?
Oh, by „puppy“ I meant my son :) We can’t afford to keep pets because we have to move every three years or so, otherwise I would love to have a cat. In Korean the name is pronounced „Gilsang“, and Kisho would be called „Gijang“ although we would actually use a different word to mean „medal“ or „honor“, as I think his name means.
Oh! Thank you for clarifying and for the explanation of you son’s name. – I am not sure about the meaning of the name „Kisho“ but we have been told that it means „He who is aware of his mind and knows how to use it“. Given his strength of will and his tactics to bring us round it looks like there is something in it ;-)