Der bestimmungsgemäße Gebrauch des Hunde­kissens (2)

In Ergän­zung die­ser Vor­füh­rung konn­ten wir kürz­lich von Kisho erfah­ren, dass auch der in den fol­genden Abbil­dun­gen gezeigte Gebrauch durch­aus noch bestim­mungs­ge­mäß ist.

Der bestimmungsgemäße Gebrauch des Hundekissens (2)

Der bestimmungsgemäße Gebrauch des Hundekissens (2)

An diese Nut­zung des Hun­de­kis­sens haben wir beim Kauf nicht gedacht, aber man lernt ja nie aus.

6 Kommentare zu „Der bestimmungsgemäße Gebrauch des Hunde­kissens (2)“

  1. So pre­cious.

    The shame is, 2 minu­tes later, he won’t even rea­lize he’s the one who did it; all he’ll be won­de­ring is where his bed is. :)

    If you still have the receipt, maybe you could ask for a refund from the store. If they give you a hard time just point to the receipt, give them a very stern look, lean in, and say in a matter-​of-​fact voice: „Nowhere—and at no time—was I ever told this pro­duct was not Kisho-​proof, much less Kisho-resistant.“

    He really can’t say ’no‘ to that. :)

  2. I don’t think that he is miss­ing his bed – most of the time he has slept at the oddest places so his bed was rarely used. Now and then he has kind of fought with his bed; maybe he has seen it as ano­ther ani­mal. By the way, I have lear­ned that Shi­bas like to gut their prey; maybe this explains his behaviour.

    No, we don’t have the receipt any­more, but your sug­ges­tion is abso­lut­ely great! If we buy a new bed for him we will surely keep the receipt and prepare for the negotiations ;-)

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