10 Kommentare zu „J.S. STAEDTLER MARS-​LUMOGRAPH 2390 HB“

  1. Hi Lexi­ka­li­ker,

    I just got hold of this Lumo­graph 2390 HB. It was astoun­ding! I want to know more about it but other than your post here there is hardly any infor­ma­tion on the Inter­net. Do you hap­pen to know where the num­ber 2390 comes from, and how it is rela­ted to the more popu­lar 2886? Do you find the 2390 and the 2886 simi­lar or do they write dif­fer­ently? Is one older than the other? 

    I must say, alt­hough Staedt­ler is renow­ned for its qua­lity, con­sis­tency, and stan­dard gra­ding, it was never my favo­rite brand up till now… But this has defi­ni­tely chan­ged since that magic moment I held the 2390 :) I do hope you could enligh­ten me on this sub­ject and thank you in advance! – Sola

  2. Hi Sola, thank you for your com­ment. Unfort­u­na­tely I don’t know where the num­ber 2390 comes from, and since I am not fami­liar with the num­be­ring con­ven­ti­ons of that time I can’t even guess. Until now I haven’t tried this pen­cil because it’s the only 2390 I have so I can’t compare it to the 2886. Howe­ver, I wouldn’t be sur­pri­sed if the 2390 has the same lead as the 2886 HB from that time. Sorry for being not a great help to you but if I learn more about the 2390 I will add it here and let you know. – May I ask where you got your 2390 from?

  3. Hi Lexi, thank you for your ans­wer :) I got it from the Brand Name Pen­cils site (as you may know Bob Truby sells sur­plus pen­cils from his coll­ec­tion), as I had never seen one on eBay. Most of the old Lumo­graphs are 2886, aren’t they? Mine came preshar­pe­ned any­way and so I tes­ted it and I was floo­red. It is wit­hout ques­tion the best and most beau­tiful pen­cil I’ve ever used! Since then I’ve tur­ned up this inte­res­t­ing pos­ter from Den­nis Smith’s Lead­hol­der Museum. 


    Wouldn’t you agree with me that those pen­cils at the back on the left are our own 2390s??? From the expl­ana­tion below I am gues­sing that the 2390 is pro­ba­bly not­hing more than a fer­ru­led ver­sion of the 2886. I agree with you about the lead, I will test it against sa regular

  4. Oh? You have the same pos­ter on your site! You pro­ba­bly con­tri­bu­ted it to Lead­hol­der…?!?! Sorry about that ;)

  5. Hi Sola, you’re wel­come :-) Yes, most of the vin­tage Lumo­graphs are the 2886 (by the way, it was available from its intro­duc­tion in August 1930 to 1967 when its num­ber chan­ged to 100).

    Yes, the 2390 is on the left of that adver­ti­se­ment, and I too think that the 2390 and the 2886 are iden­ti­cal except of the fer­rule. – I haven’t con­tri­bu­ted that pos­ter to lead­hol­der but have seen it there and star­ted to look for an ori­gi­nal copy imme­dia­tely. Now an enlar­ged print deco­ra­tes the wall at my desk at home :-)

  6. Wow that must be awe­some :) Thank you for let­ting me know about the 2886-​100 chro­no­logy and above all thanks for sha­ring the love!! I’m a con­vert now :)

  7. Yes, it is :-) To me, the slo­gan „you brain’s best fri­ends“ is abso­lut­ely great. – You’re wel­come! Did you notice the Lumo­graph tag below the post? Cli­cking it will list about 40 posts which are rela­ted to the Lumo­graph in one or the other way.

  8. Actually, I’m working my way through all of your posts in the Blei­stifte category ;)

    I’d like to send you some pen­cils. I’ll email you later :)

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