2 Kommentare zu „Tiger!“

  1. Very inte­res­t­ing, some of these ads have many eas­tern ele­ments: crane, shrimp, lan­tern etc, the second last has both (Per­sian?) script and French on it. Does it imply some Tiger pen­cils were expor­ted to for­eign market?

  2. Yes, the „Tiger“ pen­cil has been expor­ted. As far as I know there were even pen­cils from large Ger­man manu­fac­tu­r­ers with names that have been adapted to the for­eign mar­ket or with sym­bo­lic cha­rac­ter like the „Dra­gon“ pen­cil. I think the „Alli­ga­tor“ from Johann Faber and Faber-​Castell be­longs to that cate­gory too – it looks like it hasn’t been sold in Germany.

    By the way, I am not sure if all these gra­phics are ads; some may have been part of the packaging.

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