Das Foto dieser Anzeige, die Ende der 1950er Jahre in der Zeitschrift „Civil Engineering“ erschien, dürfte vielen Lesern bekannt sein, stand es doch schon bei einer Familienangelegenheit im Mittelpunkt.
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Mein Kompliment an den genialen Werbetexter!
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What a cool idea for a pencil stand. From what I can see, it seems like taking out a single pencil would have no effect on the rest standing, therefore it needs no other support than that of the pencil points.
It seems like the 50s and 60s were the ‚golden years‘ for pencil ephemera.
Thanks for this post!
Sean, thank you for your comment. I am not sure about the design of the pencil stand. To me it looks like there is a support in the centre (click the image to enlarge):
Since the pencils need a little play in the holes of the acrylic disc the whole stand would have been a little wobbly without an additional support. But that’s just a guess; even a magnification doesn’t reveal clear details. Anyway, it looks very nice.
I think you are right about the 50’s and 60’s – these were indeed great years for pencil ephemera!