Heute mach‘ ich mal den Multiplikator und verweise auf einen Beitrag bei „The Leaky Pen“, in dem auf Anleitungen für das Fotografieren von Schreibgeräten verwiesen wird, denn die dort zusammengestellten Informationen halte ich (soweit ich sie bis jetzt gelesen habe) für wissens- und umsetzenswert. Wer – so wie ich – beim Fotografieren kleiner Gegenstände mit lästigen Schatten, unerwünschten Reflexionen und anderen Widrigkeiten kämpft oder einfach nur ein paar Anregungen sucht, findet in den unter „Pen Photography“ verlinkten Quellen sicher einige nützliche Tipps.
I don’t understand a word of your post but I can tell you have linked to my blog, in particular the pen photography article. Thanks :) I have just amended the article to include three links to articles showing how to make your own light box. The whole photography thing is new to me and I find it fascinating. Thanks again :)
Atticus, thank you for your comment, your article and the update – I will soon look at the instructions you have added.
My post was just a recommendation of your article and the instructions you have linked to. When taking photos of small items I feel always challenged by annoying shadows, undesirable reflections and other adversities so I found the advice given in these documents (as far as I have read them yet) very valuable so I have recommended them to others who encounter similar problems. Besides that, the instructions also make suggestions for backgrounds etc. which are useful as well.
By the way, this reminds me of a draft in which I describe the equipment for the blog photos (albeit my handling of things is very amateurish); maybe I should complete and publish it.
I think you should definitely finish the article. I would love to read it :) Will you write an English language version as well?
Atticus, thank you for your comment and your encouraging words. Maybe I should just create a simple list of the equipment I am using but don’t expect too much – it is nothing special. I don’t plan to write an English version but such a list should be useful even when translated automatically.