4 Kommentare zu „Stille Beobachter (2)“

  1. Indeed! I have never seen an epi­sode of „Dr. Who“ (which I con­sider a gap in my know­ledge now) so I had to look at the Wii­pe­dia Cyber­men article and do a web search for some more pic­tures. – It’s inte­res­t­ing to see that despite major chan­ges in the design of the Cyber­men the „handle bars“ at the head have been retai­ned. Yet ano­ther odd­ness to watch out for … ;-)

  2. Whaaaat! Never seen Dr Who???
    Maybe this silent obser­ver is in fact a new variety of Cyber­mat. Wat­ching, wai­ting, they are coming…

  3. No, never – unfort­u­na­tely (I just have some ver­si­ons of the title music, that’s all). As far as I know the series has never been broad­cas­ted on Ger­man tele­vi­sion, but thanks to that fashionable thing cal­led „DVD“ ;-) I should be able to fill that gap soon. In the mean­time, I’ll watch out for the new Cyber­men gene­ra­tion and keep my camera with the safety catch off …

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