8 Kommentare zu „Wer hat den Kleinsten?“

  1. Well, my Graf von Faber-​Castell mini pen­cil beats this. 89 mm clo­sed and 105 mm open.

  2. Hen­rik, thank you for your comment.

    That’s impres­sive – is it this one?

    After the T3 and the Bir­die I got the Mitsu­bi­shi Jum­pop and a small mecha­ni­cal pen­cil from Muji but they are 105 mm (clo­sed) resp. 103 mm in size and the­r­e­fore lon­ger too.

  3. Yes, indeed it is the Taschenstift.I see now Faber Cas­tell sta­tes that it’s 90 mm – so I che­cked again. Mine still mea­su­res 89 :=) Maybe I got the short ver­sion? Any­way, it’s a nice pen­cil, but a bit too slen­der for my hand – I guess it’s more for show.
    kind regards

  4. I assume that Faber-​Castell has just roun­ded it up to state a length in centimetres. 

    How is it to hold the pen­cil? Are the groo­ves hel­pful? – I am now curious so I will look for the pen­cil alt­hough I am afraid that its price will sur­prise me (to put it mildly).

  5. I think you’re right about the cen­ti­me­t­res. Just kidding.:=)
    Hmm, well, I think of it as a very expen­sive novelty pen­cil. It is very small, slen­der and heavy- so it doesn’t see much use.

  6. Ah, I see – this fits into the pic­ture I have from seve­ral „Graf von Faber-​Castell“ pro­ducts. It may sound very nega­tive but seve­ral of them give me the impres­sion that they weren’t actually made for daily use but as deco­ra­tive or collector’s items (or maybe some kind of investment).

    How do the mecha­ni­cal parts and the inner workings compare to a stan­dard mecha­ni­cal pen­cil, e. g. from Pen­tel oder Pilot? Do they match the high-​end design?

  7. It seems we see eye to eye on Faber Castell’s pro­ducts – I was afraid, I was the one too negative!
    Well, it is twist – acti­va­ted, not pro­pel­ling as I expec­ted. (You turn the top ¼ of a turn, and it springs back, when the lead advan­ces). The bot­tom screw – the access to the lead chamber- had a habit of coming loose, when it rode in my shirt pocket- so no, I can’t describe it as very func­tional. A pity really – because I find, that Faber Castell’s pro­ducts look so nice…

  8. That’s indeed a real pity – making the pen­cil more sui­ta­ble for ever­y­day use would surely increase its value as a wri­ting instrument.

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