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Pfiffige Köpfe haben herausgefunden, wie man das Griffstück des Druckbleistifts Pilot S20 gegen das des Pilot S10 tauschen kann. Die Bezeichnung S15 für diesen neuen Stift liegt natürlich nahe! – Bei Gelegenheit mehr dazu.
Nachtrag vom 10.2.19: Details zum Umbau gibt es hier.
Do you feel that the S10 is more bottom heavy than the S20?
Do you prefer the S15 or the S20?
Of course the S10 is more bottom heavy than the S20 because its metal grip is heavier. – I have used the S15 only briefly yet so I can’t say anything about longer use. However, the S15 looks much better to me than the S10 because of its wooden upper part and the absence of any markings (I have even removed the markings from the Gearlet 54.)
Sehr schön !
I should really try these.
Yes, I can recommend it!
Hello. I was wondering how to do this. I am currently trying to do this myself but cannot remove the old wooden grip from the metal sleeve to screw on the tip.
Nicholas, you need much force since the lower part is held not only by a thread but also by glue. I suggest removing the clip so you can grab the upper part of the barrel firmly without scratching it. Then remove the tip and unscrew the lower part counter-clockwise. Mounting the lower part of the S10 is a little tricky too but I hope to be able to explain it here soon.
Thank you!