
Zu schön, um nicht wenigs­tens kurz vor­ge­stellt zu wer­den: Die Schreib­fe­der № 29 FE von Brause & Co. in Form einer Zei­ge­hand.


Diese Feder stammt übri­gens aus aktu­el­ler Produktion.

4 Kommentare zu „Fingerfeder“

  1. Someone at Brause had quite the sense of humor. A mani­cule in the mar­gin of the prin­ted page com­mands the rea­der to „note“ the indi­ca­ted text. Brause’s mani­cule affords the happy rea­der the oppor­tu­nity to make her own „notes“ (mar­gi­na­lia). Very clever.

  2. Indeed! This link is amusing and spans seve­ral cen­tu­ries (pro­vi­ded the hand­writ­ten mani­cule first appeared in the Renn­aisance). – If my memory does not deceive me I have seen a vin­tage nib in a simi­lar shape from Staedt­ler quite a while ago.

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