Zwei nicht alltägliche Bleistifte und ein Kontrast, wie er größer wohl kaum sein könnte: Der Druckbleistift Pentel PG2-AD und der holzgefasste Bleistift Mitsubishi 10B.
Während der Pentel mit Minen arbeitet, die mit 0,2 mm noch nicht einmal doppelt so dick sind wie ein menschliches Haar, verfügt der Mitsubishi über einen vier Millimeter starken Graphitkern der Härte 10B. Das sanfte Gleiten dieser außergewöhnlich weichen Mine auf dem Papier sorgte sicher auch für den Namen dieses ausgefallenen Bleistifts: ふでえんぴつ, „fude-enpitsu“, was sich mit „Schreibpinsel-Bleistift“ übersetzen lässt und an den ebenso weichen Pinselstrich erinnert.
Beide Schreibgeräte sind auf ihre Art etwas ganz Besonderes und zeigen einmal mehr den vielseitigen Einsatz jenes Materials, das man zuerst um 1564 in einer Grube bei Borrowdale in der englischen Grafschaft Cumberland entdeckt hat.
Vielen Dank an isu von the uncomfortable chair für den hervorragenden Mitsubishi 10B!
Nachtrag vom 23.3.18: Der erste 0,2-mm-Druckbleistift war der Pentel PS1042 von 1973; ihm folgten 1981 der Pentel PG2-AD und 2014 der Pentel orenz (Quelle: Pentel).
Do you know if that Mitsubishi pencil is still in production? I read somewhere that these pencils are used to write with Japanese calligraphic-like characters, is that right?
I don’t know if this very one is still made, but to practice calligraphy you have the penmanship pencils in 4B and 6B, hexagonal or triangular, and also the regular Hi-uni up to 10B (9B and 10B having the largest core like the pencil in the picture above).
Thank you very much for the info Matt. I’ve seen those Penmanship pencils on Jetpens. Going to check them out.
I personally only tried the 4B (penmanship) hexagonal, and while I do not usually appreciate soft pencils (my handwriting is pretty small, I don’t draw, so I need something precise that I don’t have to sharpen every 5 words), the penmanship pencil wasn’t an ordinary experience.
The lead is actually very usable, and even if my practice of calligraphy dates from another era, I can imagine it will do well in the intended use. Of course it was no brush, but maybe it could favorably compare to these pens with a tiny silicone tip that acts like a firm brush? I guess sharpening will play a role too, to take advantage of the large core.
Guillermo de la Maza: As far as I know this pencil is still in production. Like Matt said, to practice calligraphy the Mitsubishi Kouhitsu Shosha are better. By the way, Mitsubishi/uni offers a writing mat, and with this the results are even more amazing.
Matt: Althought I don’t use the Mitsubishi penmanship pencils very often I find them incredible. The quality of the lead and the finish are outstanding, and I haven’t found a pencil which measures up to the standard of it yet. Of course they are too soft for everyday writing but this is not their intended purpose.
I just recently started using pencils for calligraphy and lettering work, but it never occurred to me use a broad core pencil for this task. And yes, sharpening plays a role here, but am not sure how. I’ve seen some videos where the artist varies pressure to obtain line variation, but she sharpens the pencil quite often during the course of it. I’ve been using blunt points on soft cores to achieve line variation by changing the inclination angle, but I’ve gotten mixed results.
Gonna try my technique with broader cores and will also try to order some penmanship pencils to test them out.
For actual writing, I too prefer harder leads that lasts longer. I too tend to write with small letters. As such, my 2H and H Tradition pencils have proven a revelation.
I find it very unusual to design a pencil which should work similar to a brush and I can imagine that it is difficult to use the Mitsubishi Kouhitsu Shosha for calligraphy properly. (My calligraphic ability is very limited so I don’t get presentable results.) – Some use carpenter pencils with flat leads for calligraphy and get amazing results.
I can imagine that for smaller letters and for longer writing H and 2H leads are perfect!
Before falling deeply and madly in love with pencils, I used to be a fountain pen user, and one of the things I liked the most about them was using flex nibs. I never could have imagined that a pencil could be used for calligraphy, but the truth is, pencils are pretty impressive tools, for the allow a myriad things to happen. From outlining, to shading, from making it more easy to write cursive (at least in my case), to allowing for line variation. Also, with some cores, you can get a wider tonal range that allows for many effects out of the same pencil. IMHO, they are the most versatile writing instruments!
I will send some lettering and calligraphy examples with your package. By the way, had a chance to see my Update mail? Anything else you need me to send?
Thank you for these details. It looks like I have to try a flex nib someday. – Yes, pencils are versatile, and there is so much to discover!
I have just replied to your email :-)