6 Kommentare zu „Asphalt-​Impressionen“

  1. No, I have only crop­ped and sca­led the pic­ture but haven’t colou­red it, neither before nor after­wards. – It was a real eye-​catcher in the grey asphalt surface.

  2. So they were alre­ady colou­red in, in the asphalt? Was it some sort of art pro­ject, or just a cou­ple of things acci­dently drop­ped and pres­sed into the asphalt? Or…?

  3. Unfort­u­na­tely I don’t know. The items are pres­sed into a small amount of asphalt that was used to fill a gap bet­ween paving stones:

    In den Mainzer Asphalt eingedrückte Alltagsdinge

    In a cer­tain way it looks as the items have been arran­ged which – tog­e­ther with their colour – could also speak in favour of an art pro­ject (or at least of a deli­be­rate act).

    Wer sich die Stü­cke im Ori­gi­nal anschauen will, kann sich hier eine kmz-​Datei für Google Earth herunterladen.

  4. Pingback: Bleibende Erinnerung – lxkr

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